Sunday 30 September 2012

Journey for my new brace

Hey guys it has been awhile since I last posted anything because I wasn't feeling to well. In my last blog I gave an insight into my experiences dealing with the introduction of scoliosis into my life.

Today I’m going to begin to speak on my journey to the United State of America to acquire my second brace. My Original brace wasn't enough in preventing further curvature to my spine. My curvature was growing faster than me. This was becoming of great concern for doctors, my mother and my family. I was still in primary school at this time and didn't fully understand the extent of my situation. However, in the midst of this situation my uncle who resides in New Orleans mentioned to my mother The SpineCor System.

As my mother investigated further about spinecor she became more interested and kept In contact with a Doctor named Dr. Gray Deutchman. Eventually, one day she came to me and said because of my condition I needed another brace and we are going to America to purchase this brace. This endeavour was very costly an included a comprehensive evaluation of my body, full spine x-rays, a video electronystagmography test, physical therapy instruction and treatment and other medical treatment upon my arrival to America. 

This endeavour cost over 5,000 US. During that time i was very excited because i never visited America before. I wasn't even concern with my condition. Although, my back pains grew more and more. I was hoping this new brace would be the answer to my my back pains and scoliosis as a whole.Continue to this link to find out more about The SpinCor System

Take a look at this video it's the exact brace i wore and i had to wear this brace everyday.

Don't  forget to join the discussion on facebook

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Early beginnings

As I think back to when I was a child it’s hard for me to remember my exact feelings when  a doctor told my mother I was diagnosed with idiopathic  scoliosis. Firstly, it’s because I was a young wild boy oblivious to many things and at my age I never took my condition seriously. However, I specifically remembered my mother and I having lots of visits to the doctor to take x-rays. When I was about 8 to 9 years of age I wore my first hard brace which was bought in Trinidad. I hated wearing that brace with a passion. It was very uncomfortable and I felt like a robot because it restricted my movement tremendously. I would often take it off when my mother wasn't looking because it felt more natural with it off rather than on me.

Although, I removed the brace a lot when my back started to pain I would quickly run for it. My Childish self never really understood the purpose of this brace. If I can describe the brace I would say that it was a very hard like plastic which comprehensively covered my mid section of my body with three straps in front. I can’t recall the cost of that type of brace but I remembered my parents paying a few hundred dollars for it.

When it came to school, my classmates would often ask me “why your stomach so hard” and I would simply reply I’m wearing a brace. I didn't blame them for their   remarkable comments that I was a ninja turtle because I myself didn't understand how to explain to children my age about my condition. In addition, I hated being different so I would just say silent at most times and never even try to explain.

Despite the fact that I was young, my first mistake which I hope you can learn from my early childhood years is never being ashamed of your condition. Don’t allow people to have their own ideas of your condition. Let them know from up front.

Here is a picture of what my back brace looked like 

 If your interested in knowing more about scoliosis check out this link

For more info on different   types of back braces check out this link

Also join the discussion on my facebook group concerning a baby born with scoliosis.

Friday 21 September 2012

What is Scoliosis

Hello everyone as promised i would briefly explain what is scoliosis today.

  "Scoliosis is not a disease but in the simplest terms it is a condition used to describe any abnormal, sideways curvature of the spine. There are three ways a spine can curve:
  •     Firstly, the spine can curve to the left
  •    It can curve to the right
  •   And finally the spine can curve both ways forming an S

 In most cases the causes of scoliosis is unknown which doctors refer to as idiopathic scoliosis.I have idiopathic scoliosis and my spine is curved to the left. However, in other instances scoliosis can occur through Nonstructural (functional) and Structural conditions.

Nonstructural (functional) - This type of scoliosis is temporary when the spine is normal and the curvature occurs due to another dilemma. Example when a leg is shorter than the next or from muscle spasms at the appendicitis 

 Structural – This type of scoliosis occurs when the spin is not normal. The curvature is caused by many other illnesses such as metabolic diseases, birth defects and connective tissue disorders.[1]

[1] Eck, Jason C. "Soliosis Causes." Emedicinehealth. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Sept. 2012. <>.

I saw this video on youtube and i wanted to share it with everyone because  this journey partly reminds me of my own.

Monday 17 September 2012

Introduction to my blog

 My name is Ewan Headley and I’m a student at The College of Science, Technology, and Applied Arts of Trinidad & Tobago (COSTAATT). This semester I’m doing a course called Communication via Social Networking and I was given an assignment to implement a personal development a plan based around the use of social media.

To many I am viewed as very talkative, friendly and helpful. Although, this may be so, there is one major aspect of my life that many are oblivious to until now. I don’t speak of my condition because I never wanted anyone to feel sorry for me and I wanted to remain accepted like any other individual. If you’re still unknown of my condition take a second look at the Title above. I was born with scoliosis but the symptoms only became noticeable between the ages of 7 to 8 years of age. This blog is a journey from my childhood to my present adulthood. My goal in this blog is for individuals to learn from my mistakes and never allow their condition to control them but let them control it and I hope to attract 10 to 20 followers along the way.

 I will be posting regularly; at least twice a week. My posts would include the majority of my stumbling blocks before and after surgery. You can follow my facebook group which is open to anyone with conditions who wish to discuss and share their experiences and to everyone else. I will also be using

Before I begin my journey I would shortly explain what scoliosis is in my next blog.
Here are my other social media links