Tuesday 25 September 2012

Early beginnings

As I think back to when I was a child it’s hard for me to remember my exact feelings when  a doctor told my mother I was diagnosed with idiopathic  scoliosis. Firstly, it’s because I was a young wild boy oblivious to many things and at my age I never took my condition seriously. However, I specifically remembered my mother and I having lots of visits to the doctor to take x-rays. When I was about 8 to 9 years of age I wore my first hard brace which was bought in Trinidad. I hated wearing that brace with a passion. It was very uncomfortable and I felt like a robot because it restricted my movement tremendously. I would often take it off when my mother wasn't looking because it felt more natural with it off rather than on me.

Although, I removed the brace a lot when my back started to pain I would quickly run for it. My Childish self never really understood the purpose of this brace. If I can describe the brace I would say that it was a very hard like plastic which comprehensively covered my mid section of my body with three straps in front. I can’t recall the cost of that type of brace but I remembered my parents paying a few hundred dollars for it.

When it came to school, my classmates would often ask me “why your stomach so hard” and I would simply reply I’m wearing a brace. I didn't blame them for their   remarkable comments that I was a ninja turtle because I myself didn't understand how to explain to children my age about my condition. In addition, I hated being different so I would just say silent at most times and never even try to explain.

Despite the fact that I was young, my first mistake which I hope you can learn from my early childhood years is never being ashamed of your condition. Don’t allow people to have their own ideas of your condition. Let them know from up front.

Here is a picture of what my back brace looked like 

 If your interested in knowing more about scoliosis check out this link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scoliosis

For more info on different   types of back braces check out this link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Back_brace

Also join the discussion on my facebook group concerning a baby born with scoliosis. http://www.facebook.com/groups/155511667921915/

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